The 2025 Camp Season is Here

Welcome to the 78th year of camping ministry in New York State. We are excited to announce our theme for 2025 is ONE: One God, One Love, One Another. Join us for our summer camp program at Pathfinder Lodge as we explore our theme verse Matthew 22:37-39 and all the ways we can bring the love of God to the world.

Our Summer camp registration form and all the information about our camps is available online now. Register Today.

Can’t wait until summer? Neither can we. Join us on our social channels and share your own record album design around our theme verse and we will share your designs online with our camping community. Watch our social channels to learn more.

Spring Retreat

Grades 7-College Level are invited with their leaders to join us for our Spring Retreat May 16-18. Enjoy worship, music, campfires, bible studies and fun. Meals and lodging are included with registration.

Theme and speakers will be announced soon, but it’s not too early to mark your calendar and start planning your group’s trip.

Day Camp at Pathfinder Lodge

Looking for a summer long camping program in the Cooperstown and Otsego County region. We have 8 weeks of fun filled themed programing. Sign up for a week or the whole summer. The best way to spend summer vacation is outside!

Camp Vick

Updates have been completed at Camp Vick and we are happy to announced it will be open for the 2025 camping season. Check back here and our social channels for more updates and learn how to book your group, family camping, or event at Camp Vick.

Now Hiring

Want to be part of our summer team? We are now hiring a variety of positions. Staff will get on the job training, including lifeguard and CPR training. Learn leadership skills and life skills that will help you grow professionally and personally. Our staff develop a lifelong passion for service and ministry.

Spring and Summer 2024!

Welcome to the 77th year of camping at Pathfinder Lodge! On the edge of beautiful Otsego Lake, traditional crafting, swimming and boating experiences are renewed every year with creative twists. Hiking the Razorback, dressing up for Wacky Wednesday lunch and dynamic campfires are just some of the activities that make camp challenging, fun and inspirational. Led by trained, faith-based staff that have a deep love for both kids and the outdoors, campers every year have an opportunity to grow in friendships, independence and a greater understanding of God’s love for them.

2024 Summer Camps

Our 2024 Theme is T.E.A.M (Together Everyone Achieves More). Together we will discover all the ways that God loves each of us and has equipped us to live for God’s glory.

Day Camp
For Ages 5-12

Serving the Otsego region. Day Campers will enjoy swimming, boating, crafts, hiking & nature, and games, along with our overnight campers.

Annual Youth Spring Retreat
May 17-19

Sign up your youth, youth group, campus club, or family for the annual Youth Retreat. For grades 7 through college level. Grow in faith with worship, small group Bible studies, campfires, and fun.

Community Camp

This year we are offering two camps for the whole family. Stay together at camp while enjoying the full program including a canoe trip, cookout, crafts, waterfront activities, games, campfires and worship times.

Free Style Camping

Bring your friends and family and enjoy camp on our specially designated weeks and weekends.

Our camps are also available to book for your church, group, scouts, special events, and more. You can even run your own camp program. Book early before the summer fills up.

New For Summer 2023

Registration is open for the 2023 Summer program. This year’s theme is Love Your Selfie: Made in God’s Image. This year we are adding new programs, and focusing on different types of camping to serve everyone of all ages. Our structured programs are at Pathfinder Lodge, while Camp Vick will be focused on group rentals and family camping.

You can download the schedule and registration form here; and all descriptions and pricing on summer camp page. Brochures are coming soon. Want to make sure your church/organization gets copies of our brochure? Contact our office to check that you are on our list.

We are also offering new programs and opportunities this year including Wilderness Adventure, Day Camp, Spring Youth Retreat, Camp Reunion Weekend and a Pastor’s Retreat Week.

Love Your Selfie: Made in God's Image

“I have been remarkably and wonderfully made.” Vs 14b

Psalm 139:13-18

New This Year

Wilderness Adventures

For Campers 18+

This 5-day, young adult backpacking trip in the Adirondacks is organized and led by Rev. Dr. Jonathan Malone. In addition to hiking, there will be time for spiritual renewal and refreshment. Fee includes all food and group/shared gear. There will be an individual and a group Zoom meeting to help with planning and preparation. This trip is underwritten by a grant from the Capital Area Baptist Association. Learn More…

Day Camp

For Ages 5-12

Serving the Otsego region. Day Campers will enjoy swimming, boating, crafts, hiking & nature, and Bible stories, along with our overnight campers.

8:30-4:30 – $200/week (includes lunch)

Learn More…

Upcoming Event

Trust in the Lord with all of your heart

Proverbs 3:5

Spring Youth Retreat

May 19-21

Sign up your youth, youth group, campus club, or family for the annual Youth Retreat. For grades 7 through college level. Grow in faith with worship, small group Bible studies, campfires, and fun.

Registration: $100 per youth, $75 adult. (For every 7 youth in a youth group, 1 adult’s registration is free!). All meals/lodging included in registration cost.

Letter from our Interim CEO

Dear Ministry Partners,

As we approach “the seasons of thankfulness and giving,” let us pause and remember our times spent at camp. Many of us gave our life or rededicated our life to Christ at camp, made an important decision, or met our best friend or future spouse at camp. As we celebrated 75 years of camping ministry, it was great to hear all of the stories and memories shared. These

milestones happened because someone believed in the power of a Christ centered camping ministry and continued its legacy by generously supporting the ministry. Now it is your turn to be a camping hero for the next generation.

Young people are searching and craving the purpose that only Christ can provide, but we need your help. The commitment to provide a safe environment to introduce people to Jesus and equipping people to grow in their faith and impact their world remains as true today as it was 75 years ago. While we are currently facing a shortfall in giving, the focused mission of camping still prevails.

Your gift is especially important this year. Sharp price inflation is impacting many areas including groceries, supplies and capital improvement costs. Because of these more challenging times, will you consider increasing your gift this year or turning your annual gift into a monthly recurring gift? Monthly gifts help us budget and see us through the lean months when camp registrations are not a source of income. Increasing your gift can provide the opportunity for more people to experience the joy of camp.

From now until December 31st, for any one-time donation of $250 (or more) OR a recurring gift of $20 (or more) per month, we will express our appreciation with a commemorative 75th Anniversary T-shirt.

Will you answer the call to become a camping hero? Will you help VPCC Ministries be a strong voice of God’s love, grace, and acceptance in the lives of those who want to experience the legacy of attending Camp Vick or Pathfinder Lodge?

On a personal note, I am excited to be back in a leadership role for our camping ministries and look forward to connecting with the children and most especially with all of you, supporters, and heroes! We thank God for your continued support and pray for God’s blessings upon you!

In Christ’s Service,

Marilyn Malone
Interim CEO, VPCC Ministries

Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.

Ephesians 3:20, NLT

Fall Season at VPCC Ministries

Summer has come to a close. We are so very grateful for all of the campers who spent the season with us. Each of you are precious stones in God’s Kingdom. Thank you for sharing your fun, laughter, praise, and worship with us.

And a special thanks to all our volunteers and staff this summer. 2022 was truly the year of the volunteer. You made our camping ministry possible and an incredible experience for each and every camper. It was especially wonderful to spend a weekend with so many of our donors, supporters, and volunteers at the 75th anniversary. For 75 years you have brought outdoor ministry to generations of campers in New York State. We can’t wait to continue the ministry in partnership with you for many more years to come.

Though the summer season has ended, and we are already planning for next year, the fall brings new opportunities to serve and celebrate our ministry.

Camp Vick will host a special Fall Day Celebration on October 15th. Learn more and register here.

Camp Vick

October 15, 2022

Pathfinder Lodge will have a work weekend and water shut off day. It’s a great opportunity to see the camp in the fall, help get ready for the winter season, all while being in fellowship with great friends and partners. Please RSVP here.



October 1, 2022

October 22, 2022

Summer is always fast approaching. Start planning for next year now. We are already hiring for next summer and will continue to value your support.

75 Years of Camping Ministry

75th Anniversary Celebration Weekend

August 2-28, At Pathfinder Lodge

We began our mission 75 years ago at Pathfinder Lodge. Throughout that time we have expanded our ministry at Camp Vick, and supported camping and youth programs all over the state. There have been marriages, careers, baptisms, and life-long friendships found through our camping programs. We invite you to join us as we celebrate 75 years of camping ministry in New York State, August 26-28th, 2022.

The weekend features both free and paid events. Tickets are available online. Click here for lodging and reservation information (space is limited).

Learn More

2022 Registration Open

Registration is now open for the 2022 summer season.

Find our full brochure and registration form on our Summer Camp Page.

This year’s theme is “Living Stones: More Precious than Diamonds”, as we will also be celebrating our 75th anniversary of Christian Camping in New York State (Our Diamond Jubilee).

Tickets are now on sale for our 75th Anniversary Celebration, August 26-28 at Pathfinder Lodge. Learn more on our 75th Anniversary Page.

Open Positions for Staff and Volunteers

Hiring is underway but we still have open positions for staff and volunteers. Please join us in making this an amazing summer for our campers. Job descriptions and links to apply are on our Employment and Volunteer pages.

Work Weekends

Every spring our camps host work weekends. It’s a great opportunity for groups, teams, and families to visit and help prepare the camps for the season. Bring your own tools, or use ours. There’s light work and heavy work. Tasks for novices and for experts. We have something for everyone!

Spring Work Weekends for Pathfinder Lodge and Camp Vick are May 7 & 14th.

2022 Summer Schedule

Save the Date! The 2022 Summer Schedule is here. Mark your calendar and look for registration information coming in March. Don’t forget to sign up for news and updates delivered right to your inbox.

This year’s theme is “Living Stones: More Precious than Diamonds”, as we will also be celebrating our 75th anniversary of Christian Camping in New York State (Our Diamond Jubilee). We are excited to share God’s love this summer with all our campers and friends.

We are now hiring for the summer. If you are interested or know someone interested in serving God this summer please check out our employment and volunteer pages.

Pathfinder Lodge Schedule

Camp Vick Schedule

Summer REcap and Looking Ahead to 2022

Although the temperature is dropping and leaves are starting to change color, I still have summer on my mind!  As this was my first camp season with VPCCM, this summer has been one of learning, rebuilding, and, in some ways, a trial by fire.  Through the challenges of COVID-19 and staffing shortages, many parents and pastors reached out to offer encouragement and volunteered their time to help us get camp off its feet for 2021.  I know many of you were praying fervently for the success of camp, and I am grateful for the support and the new relationships that have been established over the last few months. 

The theme of our 2021 camp season was “Renewal.”  After enduring a year of illness, isolation, and uncertainty, I felt it an important reminder that our strength and our ability to keep shining as a light to the world comes from our loving Savior.  We focused on two key verses, Isaiah 40:31 and Isaiah 43:19, as well as other scriptures that focused on specific renewal areas such as body, mind, spirit, and the reasons that renewal is vital to our Christian health.  There were many great conversations among campers, counselors, and pastoral staff during Bible studies, devotions, and Chapel services.

Although we only had two weeks of camp, we reached 57 campers.  Among those, about 60% were first-time campers.  We also ministered to 6 families by providing 12 campers with $2,402 in scholarships.  It was a joy to see so many new campers become immersed in our camp community, making new friends and memories and learning about Jesus.

While our staff was small, we had a stellar group of individuals, some of whom were seasoned but most who were brand new!  I look forward to many of them returning in 2021.  There are a few camp staff positions that are absolutely necessary in order to open camp and provide our typical programming.  These include Camp Director, Camp Nurse, Aquatics Director, and Lifeguards.  If you aware of anyone who might be interested in serving as camp staff, please direct them to our Employment page, which will be updated in October.

In the next couple of months, we will have some exciting announcements regarding Pathfinder Lodge.  My hope and prayer for 2022 is that we will be able to offer a complete summer of camping between the two camps.  We have many needs, both financial and physical, and it is vital that we meet these needs in order to continue the Vick-Pathfinder camp legacy.  Please prayerfully consider how you can be part of the ministry efforts- whether through financial support, volunteering, or simply adding us to your prayer list.  Be sure to check out our Volunteer page, the Wish Lists for both Vick and Pathfinder, and our Donation Page.  As always, please keep VPCCM in your prayers for God’s blessing and the continued success of the camps.

God Bless and Happy Trails!

Mandy Simons, CEO

Camp Vick Update

Greeting Camp Friends,

Planning a summer camping season in our ever changing environment has been challenging. We are so excited that the state has opened up overnight camping for the 2021 season and we are working hard to bring that programming to you. While it was our hope to open both camps this summer one of our camps, Camp Vick, needs some more time to recover. We will be dedicating this summer to making much needed repairs and improvements. Meanwhile we will condense our summer program to Pathfinder Lodge. We will be moving some our of Camp Vick camps to our sister camp and merging other camps together. See our new full schedule and brochure.

Camp Vick needs a number of critical repairs especially to the water system. We are writing in part to ask our dedicated families and volunteers to consider donating time and resources where you are able to. All summer there are opportunities to visit the camp, work on a list of projects and enjoy the camp with family or work groups. It is also our hope to create a list of volunteers (who we are calling the Vick Crew) who can learn the ins and outs of Camp Vick, be available for future projects and advocate for the camp’s needs.

Campers will not be without a camping program this year. Instead we are looking into options to transport campers to Pathfinder Lodge this summer. Campers will still experience summer fun activities in a safe environment all while growing in faith and learning about God’s love.

This was not an easy decision for the board to make. We love our camps and want them to be enjoyed now and for years to come which is why we are dedicated to getting them, with your help, in the best condition possible. We are inviting you, our friends, families, volunteers, and donors to a town hall style meeting to talk about this decision and answer any questions you may have. Join us at Camp Vick on June 5th, 2021, at 10AM an online option may also be available TBA at a later date.

For updates sent directly to your email inbox, sign up to be added to our mailing list here.

In Christ’s Service,

Vick Pathfinder Camp and Conference Ministries Board