Welcome to the 78th year of camping ministry in New York State. We are excited to announce our theme for 2025 is ONE: One God, One Love, One Another. Join us for our summer camp program at Pathfinder Lodge as we explore our theme verse Matthew 22:37-39 and all the ways we can bring the love of God to the world.

Our Summer camp registration form and all the information about our camps is available online now. Register Today.

Can’t wait until summer? Neither can we. Join us on our social channels and share your own record album design around our theme verse and we will share your designs online with our camping community. Watch our social channels to learn more.
Spring Retreat
Grades 7-College Level are invited with their leaders to join us for our Spring Retreat May 16-18. Enjoy worship, music, campfires, bible studies and fun. Meals and lodging are included with registration.

Theme and speakers will be announced soon, but it’s not too early to mark your calendar and start planning your group’s trip.
Day Camp at Pathfinder Lodge

Looking for a summer long camping program in the Cooperstown and Otsego County region. We have 8 weeks of fun filled themed programing. Sign up for a week or the whole summer. The best way to spend summer vacation is outside!
Camp Vick

Updates have been completed at Camp Vick and we are happy to announced it will be open for the 2025 camping season. Check back here and our social channels for more updates and learn how to book your group, family camping, or event at Camp Vick.
Now Hiring
Want to be part of our summer team? We are now hiring a variety of positions. Staff will get on the job training, including lifeguard and CPR training. Learn leadership skills and life skills that will help you grow professionally and personally. Our staff develop a lifelong passion for service and ministry.